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Acquisition and development of superior products and efficient manufacturing assets.

AIG™ :
Defense Manufacturing & Software

AIG is a vertically and horizontally integrated holding company focusing on Logistics, Defense Software and Defense Aerospace. We manufacture VTOL drones, various components for vehicles, munitions and develop training software utilizing modern simulation platforms.

AIG advantage is acquiring under-utilized technologies to combine into solutions which can be rapidly scaled and outperform legacy solutions from larger companies.

ANNOUNCEMENT: AIG acquires Elytron Aircraft.
AIG acquired Elytron Aircraft LLC, founded by famed aircraft designer Oliver Garrow, for undisclosed amount of debt/equity. Elytron Aircraft produced some of the most innovative and efficient performing designs in the world. Immediately AIG will begin manufacturing and marketing of initial product from Elytron, T-Wing drone, the highest lift to weight ratio drone in sky, longest range and most maneuverable in its class. Manufacturing is slated for frame assembly in Florida and propeller components in Mississippi.


AIG Software– AIG develops software in form of Downloadable Content for Commercial and Government uses, primarily is Simulation programs and Simulation Gaming.

Downloadable Content Service – Converting existing physical vehicles or vehicles having been developed in CAD software into software formats utilized in Simulation and Gaming environments.


AIG Manufacturing – AIG licenses and commercializes existing proven technologies based upon revenue share model, that foundation metrics:

  1. Existing technology
  2. Demonstrable with over the counter materials
  3. Highly manufacturable within the United States

AIG Industries – Our focus is on defense, commercial asset security, energy/propulsion for commercial industrial uses.

AIG Locations -AIG seeks manufacturing locations in the South East United States and engages in joint venture arrangements with property owners who own Heavy Industrially Zoned properties and are capable of commissioning property for equity in long term factory locations.

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AIG™ and Skyborne Technology UAV Corp (UMAV:otc) executed an Alliance Agreement January 2025, to co develop each individual technology suite, into a combined platform. This combined platform will allow for long term, high altitude carrier vehicles to operate, control and transport fleets of drones into various environments. This novel approach to manufacturing and security is set to disrupt the lighter than air, drone and security markets.

AIG™ purpose and mission is acquiring underutilized technology that solves specific problems which is efficient to manufacture, then developing manufacturing capacity to product that product. AIG is technology agnostic and focused on solving problems which give our clients superior results in defense and logistics.

AIG™ Contact for General and Project Inquiry.

AIG actively seeks opportunities with existing manufacturers and technology providers. Our long term view and focused efforts, support AIG™ value offering for domestic manufacturing opportunities.

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